For authors

Papers for publishing should be submitted in two standard typescript copies (thirty lines per page, sixty characters per line, amounting to 1,800 characters per page) without setting parts of the text in special typeface. The same text should also be sent on a CD/DVD, or emailed to the Editorial Board’s address.

A single paper, including notes and references, should not exceed 40,000 characters.

Reviews, polemics and notifications should not exceed 20,000 characters.

Authors have no possibility of editing the text in the course of editorial work on the periodical. The Editorial Board should receive the final version of the paper.

The text should be accompanied by information about the author:
a. full first and last name
b. academic degree, title
c. exact correspondence address, including telephone number and e-mail

The authors of all texts (papers, reviews, polemics and announcements) are obliged to submit a signed statement of the transfer of copyright to the publication and of the independent preparation of the text and its original character.